Evelyn Joshua, Wife of the late founder of Synagogue Church of All Nations, Temitope Balogun Joshua popularly known as T.B. Joshua, has recounted the final moments of her dear husband. Evelyn was quoted as saying: “He ended the race prayerfully. She revealed that he spent about three hours in prayers before the last service on the mountain and was looking very healthy. She said he never showed any sign of illness or worry and that his main concern was about the prayer line they offered to Indians against the COVID-19 pandemic. “Afterward, he came up to shower and she left him to have some time to prepare for service as worship had started. Few Minutes later, he stepped out for ministrations. While Ministering. He spoke about a time to come and a time to leave. “According to her, his statements were spiritual and suddenly, he left the stage and went to his inner chambers. She waited a few minutes and thereafter decided to check on him. And she met him sitting on the chair like someone reflecting but unconscious. She quickly beckoned on his disciples who came and tried to revive him to no avail. Of a truth, he went home to be with the Lord and left us with a message, watch and pray.”

Condolence messages and well wishes have been pouring in all through the weekend from notable Nigerians including President Muhammadu Buhari, Goodluck Jonathan, e.t.c.

President Buhari, while commiserating with the government and people of Ondo State for the irreparable loss of the man of God noted that the renowned televangelist will be missed by his followers all over the world not only for his spiritual contributions but for touching many lives through philanthropic gestures.

Mr. President prays that God Almighty will accept the soul of the departed pastor. He further urged Pastor Joshua's followers to take solace in the knowledge that life is not measured and defined by chronological longevity but by enduring legacies and lives touched positively.

Former President Goodluck Jonathan said he is so saddened to hear about the death of Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua known as TB Joshua, the Spiritual Leader of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), at the young age of 57.

“TB Joshua was a devout man of God who served God and humanity with relentless passion. He was a man of sound doctrine, meek and faithful to his call and passion of reconciling men to God and offering hope to humanity.

As a Christian leader, TB Joshua and his Ministry exemplified Christ in faith, love, and charity; positively impacting the lives of many Nigerians, Africans, and millions of people across the world.

I condole with his family, his church, and millions of his followers across the world. May God grant them peace and strength to cope with this loss. – GEJ”