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Former Buhari Minister Set To Dump APC, Rejects Party's Guber Primaries Result

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The former Minister of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, has rejected the outcome of the just-concluded governorship primary election of the All Progressives Congress in Bayelsa State.


According to Dailypost, Lokpobiri said he wondered why election will be conducted in an hotel against the wish of the party. The former minister said he was still trying to get details of what transpired in Bayelsa, insisting that he and his team never participated in any primaries that declared David Lyon the flag bearer of the party.


Lokpobiri, said there was no way he would be defeated in any election in Bayelsa by Lyon, adding that the majority members of the APC were supporting him.


He said party members gathered at the secretariat in Yenagoa and waited in vain for the arrival of the committee saddled with the conduct of the primaries.


He also queried why a result was purportedly declared by someone other than the Returning Officer and Governor of Yobe State, who chaired the committee.


Lokpobiri expressed optimism that the national leadership of the party would look into the development in Bayelsa and ensure a credible process that would throw up a popular candidate for the APC.


A source close to the former Minister told Vigil360 on condition of anonymity that his principal might defect to another party to actualize his political ambition if the NWC fails to address the alleged irregularities that characterized the primaries. He expressed optimism that his boss would win the election if conducted in a free and fair manner.