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Sun, Jun

Sacked Bayelsa Deputy Governor-elect Mulling Suicide – Sylvia

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The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylvia has disclosed that Biobarakuma, the Deputy Governor-elect whom his certificate saga cost the All Progressive Congress (APC) in Bayelsa state everything is considering a suicide action.


Sylvia revealed this while talking to Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily Program on Monday that the Governor-elect, David Lyon and his Deputy Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo, were sacked by the apex court over the alleged claim that the Deputy Governor-elect forged his certificate and handed over the government of the state to the People Democratic Party (PDP).

The Petroleum Minister described the apex court decision as unfair, on the fact that the offence was not a criminal one and ought not to have been treated in that manner.

The Minister revealed that Biobarakuma is at the verge of committing suicide; he had to call him every now and then to ensure that he did not opt for something dangerous against himself.

Sylvia argued that when someone accused you of forging your certificate after building a life for yourself, and there comes another person that brings you down and crashed your life, it is suicidal, he added.

He further explained, if someone is accusing the authenticity of your certificate, it is a different thing, however, if it is a case of forgery, the impetus now lay on the court to verify the claim from the school that provided such certificate to establish the veracity of the claim, otherwise, nothing is established.

The Minister added, in a situation where the court either by commission or omission did not verify the claim and just move ahead and condemned the accused, it is very dangerous for the country.